
Provides an overview of the Workflows module

What is Workflows

Use the Workflow module to retrieve workflows and workflow sessions from the organization.

Workflows are a series of questions and actions in a sequential order that are triggered at certain events, such as starting an activity. They can be used to guide and help users in giving more accurate, structured, and meaningful feedback.

A workflow session is a structured feedback (in its raw form) that was provided by the user while stepping through the workflow and is used to inform dispatchers and other stakeholders in the back office.

The workflow session that can be retrieved by the integrator is enriched with context information defined in the workflow to give sufficient information to the integrator to deal with this raw session data.

Base URLhttps://workflows.api.eu1.scalar.zf.com/
Supported VersionsV1

Why use Workflows

Purpose I: Get more valuable feedback

ZF | SCALAR allows you to gather feedback in a structured way and give meaning to each value added by the user.

Use Cases

Use case I: Get a list of the workflows

  • Get the workflows used by an organization
  • See the event that triggers this workflow

Use case 2: Get the workflow session

  • Get the workflow session, i.e. the feedback provided by the user on the workflow, by using the workflow session id. This workflow session id is provided by another module where the trigger of the event occurred, for now this is from scheduled trips or track and trace.