
Provides an overview of Scheduled Trips.

What is Scheduled Trips

Use the Scheduled Trips module to create scheduled trips and receive feedback on these trips. The feedback received on the scheduled trips are executed by your own drivers.

The integrator can:

  • create trips that use SCALAR assets, drivers, places, activity definitions, and workflows.
  • make the last-minute changes to the non-finished parts of the trip.
  • follow up on the trip by collecting all entered feedback on the trip and corresponding workflows.
    The drivers see the legs of the trips that are assigned to them and/or to their linked assets in the Cargo app. They can start and finish their work and give feedback on each action by filling in the workflow linked to the action.
Base URLhttps://scheduled-trips.api.eu1.scalar.zf.com/
Supported VersionsV1

Why use Scheduled Trips

Purpose I: Send work to own drivers/assets

You can create a trip with multiple legs, with each leg assigned to a SCALAR driver and/or SCALAR asset. The assigned trip legs are automatically sent to the driver, who performs the required activities using the Cargo app.

Purpose II: Collect tailormade feedback

You can gather customized feedback from drivers for each planned action. For each action, the integrator can configure specific questions and suggested answers to be displayed to the driver.
When the driver starts an action, they are required to complete the questions shown in the Cargo app. The responses are available for collection by the integrator as soon as they are submitted.

Use Cases

Use case I: Create a trip

  • Create a trip by specifying legs, missions, and actions.
  • For each leg specify which driver and/or asset needs to execute the work.
  • For each mission specify the location where the work needs to be done.
  • For each action specify what needs to be done and what feedback is expected by the driver.
  • The driver gets notified for the new scheduled work.

Use case II: Update a trip

  • Update a trip by specifying the full trip data again, including the SCALAR ids for each level of the trip (such as trip id, leg ids, and mission ids).
  • Each part of the trip can be changed if it is not marked as finished.
  • The driver gets notified for the update that happened to his work.

Use case III: Collect feedback on a trip

  • Get updates on start- and end times of each trip level.
  • Get updates on start- and end locations of each trip level.
  • Get the workflow session for each action that is started to collect the answers of the driver.

Use case IV: Delete a trip

  • Delete a non-started trip.
  • The driver gets notified that (a part of) his work is removed.