
Provides an overview of Reseller Management module.

What is Reseller Management

Use the Reseller Management module to manage organizations and their subscriptions. You can also manage resellers and parent-child scenarios.

Base URL<https://scheduled-trips.api.eu1.scalar.zf.com/>
Supported VersionsV1

Why use Reseller Management

Purpose I: Manage Organizations

SCALAR allows you manage organizations, such as creating new organizations and updating details of organizations.

Purpose II: Manage Subscriptions

SCALAR allows you to manage organizations’ subscriptions.

Use Cases

Use case I: Retrieve list the onboarded Organizations

To retrieve details of child-organizations based on specific IDs of parent organizations.

Use case II: Create and update organization details

To create new organizations and update details of organizations.

Use case III: CRUD operations of subscriptions

  • Existing subscription details are modified and displayed in the SCALAR platform.
  • Subscription details are retrieved based on the specific subscription ID.
  • Subscriptions can be permanently deleted from the SCALAR platform.