JUMP TOSCALAR APIsIntroductionAuthenticationAuthenticationRetrieves the access token.postActivity Definition ManagerOverviewActivityDefinitionsRetrieves the activity definitions for the specified organization.getActionsAssigns assets to an activity definition profile.postAlarm CenterOverviewSupported AlarmsAlarmsRetrieves a list of alarms.getAlarmsOverviewTrailer AlarmsRetrieves a list of alarms.getRetrieves alarms list of an asset.getAssetsOverviewAssetsRetrieves a list of assets.getRetrieves specific asset details.getCreates an asset.postUpdates an asset.patchAssetsSettingsRetrieves a list of asset settingsgetCreates an asset setting for an organization.postUpdates an asset setting.patchBrake PerformanceOverviewEBPMS State ChangeRetrieves the current brake system state per fleet based on token organization ID.getRetrieves the current brake system state per asset ID.getRetrieves the current state of EBPMS from all the assets with the same state-change-ID.getEnables or Disables EBPMS for asset.putData SharingOverviewFrameworkAgreementsRetrieves list of framework agreementsgetRetrieves framework agreement details by framework agreement idgetRetrieves integrator details by framework agreement idgetCreates framework agreementpostContractsRetrieves list of contractsgetRetrieves contract details by idgetCreates contractpostSessionsRetrieves list of sessionsgetRetrieves session details by IdgetCreates sessionpostUpdates sessionpatchActionsStops framework agreementpostApproves framework agreementpostRejects framework agreementpostExtends contractpostStops contractpostStops sessionpostDriversOverviewDriversRetrieves a list of drivers.getRetrieves a driver by the ID.getCreates a driver.postUpdates a driver by the ID.patchDeletes a driver by the ID.deleteDriving and Resting TimesOverviewRemaining timesRetrieves a list of remaining times for the given driver(s)getEBSOverviewTrailer EBSRetrieves a list of EBS.getRetrieves EBS details of an asset.getEco PerformanceOverviewProfilesRetrieves a list of Eco profiles.getReturns default Eco profile.getReturns an Eco profile for the provided profileId.getCreates an Eco profile.postUpdates the required Eco profile.patchDeletes the required Eco profile.deleteEco PerformanceRetrieves the Eco performance.getReportsRetrieves a list of Eco monitor performance items.getFleet InstallerOverviewFleet InstallerRetrieves health diagnostics data.getSets rf sensors configuration.postStarts unit diagnostics session.postStops unit diagnostics session.postDetects rf sensors.postGroupsOverviewAssetsRetrieves asset group with detailed information.getRetrieves asset groups of specific organization.getCreates an asset group.postAssigns assets to asset group.postUnssigns assets from asset group.postUpdates asset group.patchDeletes an asset group.deletePlacesRetrieves details of a specific place group.getRetrieves place groups of specific organization.getCreates place group.postAssigns places to place group.postUnassigns places from place group.postUpdates place group.patchDeletes a places group.deleteDriversRetrieves specific driver group.getRetrieves driver groups of specific organization.getCreates driver group.postAssigns drivers to driver group.postUnassigns drivers from driver group.postUpdates driver group.patchDeletes driver group.deletePeople Mobility - BookingOverviewBookingsReturn a list of paginated bookingsgetRetrieve information about a bookinggetCreate a bookingpostCancel a bookingpostRidesRetrieve information about a vehicle associated to a ridegetQuotesGenerate one or more quotespostVehiclesRetrieve the details of one or more vehiclesgetPKI CertificateOverviewCSRRetrieves a list of CSRs.getRetrieves the certificate for the given CSR IDgetInitiate Certificate Generation.postPlacesOverviewPlaceRetrieves a list of places.getRetrieves a place by ID.getCreates a place.postUpdates a place.putUpdates a place.patchDeletes a place.deleteSubscriptionRetrieves the alarm definition (subscriptions) for the place.getCreates an alarm definition (subscription).postUpdates an alarm definition (subscription).putDeletes an alarm definition.deletePositionsOverviewTrailer PositionsRetrieves a list of positions.getRetrieves positions list of an asset.getReseller ManagementOverviewOrganizationRetrieves list of organizations.getRetrieves detailed information for the requested organization.getCreates a new organization.postUpdates the organization name.patchSubscriptionsRetrieves subscriptions of an organization.getAssigns packages to an organization.postUpdate existing subscription of an organization.putDelete subscription for an organization.deleteScheduled TripsOverviewTripRetrieves a scheduled trip.getCreates a trip.postUpdates a trip.putDeletes a scheduled trip.deleteSensorsOverviewSupported Sensor IDsSubscriptions - Getting StartedSensorsRetrieves all available sensorIDs.getRetrieves all sensor between last call time and current time.getRetrieves last sensor value.getRetrieves sensor data for specified interval.getResets last feed call time for a subscriptionID.patchSubscriptionsRetrieves all subscriptions of the integrator calling the endpoint.getRetrieves subscription details for subscriptionID.getCreates a subscription.postSets subscription status to "suspend" or "resume".patchDeletes the provided subscriptionId.deleteSpot SubcontractingOverviewPlanningRetrieves a trip.getRetrieves the file(s).getRetrieves the signature(s).getCreates a trip.postUpdates a Trip.putTacho ManagementOverviewArchivesRetrieves the organization archives.getRetrieves the archives for drivers.getRetrieves the archives for assets.getTeamsOverviewTeamsRetrieves a list of teams.getCreates a team.postDeletes team for the team ID.deleteUpdates team for the team ID.patchAsset GroupsAssigns asset groups to team.postUnssigns asset groups from team.postDriver GroupsAssign driver groups to team.postUnassigns driver groups to team.postPlace GroupsAssigns place groups to team.postUnassigns place groups to team.postUsersRetrieves users list of a team.getAssigns user(s) to a teampostUnassigns user(s) from a team.postIntegratorsRetrieves integrators list of a team.getAssigns integrators to team.postUnassigns integrators to team.posttRACK & TRACEOverviewCurrent ActivitiesRetrieves the open activities for the provided assets or drivers.getHistorical ActivitiesRetrieves all the activities for an asset or a driver for the given period.getCurrent PositionsRetrieves the current positions for the provided assets.getHistorical PositionsRetrieves all positions for an asset for the given period.getUsersOverviewM2M integratorsRetrieves a list of M2M integrators.getRetrieves specific M2M details.getCreates a new machine to machine (M2M) integrator.postUpdates specified M2M integrator.patchDeletes specified M2M integrator.deleteRolesRetrieves all roles for the specified organization.getUsersRetrieves a list of users for a specific organization.getRetrieves specific user details.getCreates new user and assigns a role.postUpdates a user.patchDeletes specified user.deleteWorkflowsOverviewworkflowsRetrieves the workflows.getworkflow-sessionsRetrieves a specific workflow feedbackgetUpdates driver group.patch https://groups.api.ap1.scalar.zf.com/v1/driver-groups/{id}Updates driver group.📘The rate limit for this API is normal.