
Provides an overview of the Data Sharing module

What is Data Sharing Datahub API

Use the Data Sharing Datahub module from Scalar to share asset data of one SCALAR organization with other SCALAR organizations. Contract and Session managers can access the Data Sharing module. You can use the Data Sharing API to view and manage the framework agreements, contracts and sessions for your organization. Data Sharing provides SCALAR organizations, the possibility to share available asset data with other SCALAR organizations.

Base URLhttps://data-sharing/api.eu1.dev.scalar.zf.com
Supported VersionsV1

Why use Data Sharing?

Purpose I: Manage Framework Agreements

SCALAR allows you view and manage Framework Agreements. You can fetch list Framework Agreements and create new Framework Agreements or a specific Framework Agreement by providing a specific ID.

Purpose II: Manage Contracts

SCALAR allows you manage contracts. You can create contracts and retrieve list of contracts or a specific contract by providing specific ID and create contracts.

Purpose III: Manage Sessions

SCALAR allows you manage sessions. You can retrieve list of sessions or a specific session by providing specific ID, create contracts and update details of sessions.

Purpose IV: Manage Actions

SCALAR allows you manage actions. You can stop framework agreements, stop contracts, stop sessions, extend contracts, approve or reject framework agreements.

Use Cases

Use case I: Creating framework agreements

New framework agreements are created for the specific organization. The framework Agreement includes basic details such as the identity of the data provider and data consumer, data sharing preferences, the entity(asset/unit), and payer details.

Use case II: Creating contracts

Create new contracts for data sharing.