
Provides an overview of Positions module

What is Positions

Use the Positions module to retrieve positions of assets or drivers. This module provides the current location or a historical overview of the exact position of an asset or a driver.

Base URLhttps://trailer.api.eu1.scalar.zf.com
Supported VersionsV1

Why use Positions

Purpose I: View position

SCALAR allows you to view the current position of an asset, a driver, or the entire fleet.

Purpose II: View historical positions

SCALAR allows you to retrieve the position history of an asset or a driver. The position history can be visualized as a route on the map and displays the position of an asset or driver at a given moment in time. When combined with the speed source, it could indicate where a driver lost time or where a driver deviated from an expected route.

Use Cases

Use case I: Overview of the fleet on a map

  • The current positions can be shown on a map providing the user an overview of the assets.
  • This information helps the user to verify if there are sufficient assets in the area to pick up the cargo.

Use case II: Display asset route on a map

  • View the trace of an asset on the map, in order to view where an asset was located at in a specified timeframe.