
Provides an overview of users module.

What is Users

Use the Users module to manage and view the users in the organization. In the user management module you can provide users access to the SCALAR, view key user information for an organization's users, and assign a role to the users. It helps to manage all the users effectively that are associated with an organization.

Base URLhttps://usermanagement.api.eu1.scalar.zf.com
Supported VersionsV1

Why use Users

Purpose I: Manage Users

SCALAR allows the organizations to easily manage and view their users. You can filter users depending on their Roles, Status, and Teams. After the organization account owner creates a user, an invite is sent to the user to enrol in the SCALAR platform. You can also resend an invite if the user has missed an earlier invite. The account owner can also permanently remove a user from the SCALAR platform.



  • The invitation link is valid only for 72 hours.
  • The removal of a user is irreversible.

Purpose II: Manage Roles

SCALAR allows the account owner of an organization to add various users. You can also specify the user role of a particular user: Administrator, Dispatcher, and Data Protection Officer (DPO). The assigned user roles can be adjusted as per user.

Purpose III: Assign Teams

SCALAR allows the account owner of an organization to assign teams to the newly added users. In Teams management, you can then assign assets, places, drivers, and users to the team.



If a team is not assigned to a user, that user will have access to all entities such as Assets, Teams, Places, and Drivers.

Use Cases

Use case I: Manage users

  • New users are invited through an invitation link, through which users can set up a password.
  • After being added to the SCALAR platform, the user can access all the required details of the organization depending on their role.
  • Modify an existing user’s details and display the updated user information in the SCALAR platform.
  • Users can be permanently deleted from the SCALAR platform.

Use case II: Access teams

  • If the organization wants a user to access a specific team, the user can be assigned to that specific team.
  • Once the user is enrolled and added to the SCALAR platform, they can access the assigned teams.

Use case III: View user details

  • The users management module enables to get a list of all the users with respective details.
  • It also enables to get all the details for a particular user.